Father to Son
Friday, March 18, 2005
"A son is the promise that time makes to a man, the guarantee every father recieves that whatever he holds dear will someday be considered foolish, and that the person he loves best in the world will misunderstand him"

Ian Caldwell & Dustin Thomason
The Rule of Four

This quote is a bit negative in tone, but considering the fact that you and your mother have been gone for more than a week, while I'm living in the dorms here on campus, I'm feeling a little negative.

It's tough to convey how much you and your mother mean to me...it really is true that you don't know what you have till it's gone...luckily, this will make the time we have together all the more special. By nature, I'm not a very emotional person...I don't cry at sad movies, but I am human, and being without you and your mother has been tough on me. Especially hard when we talk on the phone...not that you'll remember, but you actually do talk to me on the phone every day, and you say things like "daddy come home now?" or "wanna go home to mommy daddy house." These comments really make me confront the fact that we're apart...at times like these, I do want to cry.

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