Father to Son
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Cracking me up

Can I say how much you really crack me up? Today, I was working on the computer, and you came up to me with a pair of morracas and a tamborine. You handed me the tamborine, looked at me and said, "Are you ready to rock?"

I wasn't quite sure that I heard you right, but then you repeated it. I'm not sure where you heard it, but you said it with the most innocence and lack of guile. It is things like this that make me fall in love with you again and again each day...

It may sound cheesy, and twenty years from now you (and I) may look back on this and think how silly I was to feel this way...all I can say is that, right now, right this moment, I honestly can't think of anything that is more important than you. The life that you've given me is immeasurable. I can only hope that you feel this same way someday...it would be the best gift you'd ever get.

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