Father to Son
Monday, April 26, 2004
I've been thinking of a list of the great things about my son. Here is a start (in no particular order):

His love of bread and pasta
The chipped tooth that will always cause me grief, but that he probably can't even remember
His giggle when I do "buzzy bee"
The fact that his eyes never changed from their original blue color
He already knows all of the names of his favorite TV shows, and asks for them when they're on
Whenever he wears shorts with no shoes or socks...because they tend to be really long, and his stubby legs and feet stick out
His love of trains and trucks
His inquisitiveness

I'm sure that I'll update this as time goes by
Okay, so over the weekend, my son and I were able to go outside and play (something that is rare considering the weather where we live is usually pretty bad). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to be as active as I would have liked, but we will have many more days when we can play catch.
Friday, April 23, 2004
I've had my second surgery today. I found out just last week that I had skin cancer (although, I'm not all that worried, as I've been told that it was caught very early, and shoulnd't be dangerous). They had removed the growth about a month and a half ago, but they wanted to make sure that they got all of the cancerous material, so they went back to remove a bit more.

Overall, I feel pretty well, and this shouldn't be anything to worry about. The real problem is that they have told me that I shouldn't pick you up for the next couple of weeks, as that might break the stitches. I'm not sure that I can actually hold out for that long. I'll probably end up giving up in a couple of days...it's just too much fun to chase you around. The giggles that you let go when I do "Buzzy-Bee" are worth a couple of popped stitches.

This blog is for you. I hope that it can help you in some small way, as you go through your life. I'll try to document how I feel for all the large and small events in your life.

I love you.

My son was born nearly two years ago. As I am a fairly recent discoverer of blogging, it's only now that I get to start the process of documenting his existence, and how it impacts me. I'd also like to be able to document my existence, and how it impacts him.

Hopefully, this blog will allow him to look back when he is older and see what his father/old man/pop/daddy etc. went through on a day to day basis during his lifetime. This is not intended as my diary...rather, it is intended as my thoughts on fatherhood, adulthood, and the act of raising a (hopefully) well-adjusted son into a man.

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