Father to Son
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Well, this past weekend, my son made me really mad for the first time ever. I'm a pretty steady and balanced person. It does take a lot to upset me, so it usually takes a good amount to get me unbalanced.

The situation itself was pretty innocuous, I was trying to get him to come upstairs with me to change his diaper. He wasn't happy about this - AT ALL - and when I finally got him, he took a swing and slapped me in the face. This, of course, has happened before, and usually it's not that big a deal (after all, I realize he doesn't really know what he's doing), but since I recently had a back surgery, and shouldn't have been picking him up in the first place, I became a bit unhinged. Of course, I didn't hit or drop him, or anything like that...I smoldered until he was clean and re-diapered, but he was very clear that I was not happy.

Afterward, he, realizing how unhappy I was with him, tried to make it up to me in his own way...he tried to climb on me as I sat on the couch to give me a kiss. He tried to tickle my feet as they were propped up on the coffee table. He tried to get me to laugh...

Of course, he was successful...how can you stay upset at something so cute...
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