Father to Son
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Been a while

Okay, so it's been a while since I wrote anything here, but that's not for a lack of having things to say. Actually, there are so many things to say that it's difficult to organize them into a coherent whole.

I just reread an earlier message about how my son had changed in the week that I was away in China. Well, he's grown in leaps and bounds since then. He's actually getting his sense of humor and realizing what it takes to make mommy and daddy laugh. It's tough to be upset when he knows all of the buttons to push. He's also been expanding his vocabulary and his language structure. He's speaking in complete sentences, although the syntax and grammar haven't quite gotten there yet. He surprised me the other day by pointing to a library book that his mother had checked out for him, and saying the title: Jayjay the Jetplane, and the saying: "I like this one book." It absolutely floored me.

On a different topic, with the change into 2005, the new year is going to see some pretty dramatic changes to our lives. There is a chance that I will be getting a job that would require me to be away from him and his mom for months at a time. This, needless to say, I am not looking forward to. I love the way he runs up to me after I come home and hugs my legs while screaming "daddy!" I don't know how I would handle living without that for any length of time...

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