Father to Son
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Fevers In The Night

You certainly frightened us the other night. Actually, let me be a bit more precise, you frightened me. I don't want to pretend to speak for your mom, but my guess is that she was scared as well. You've been pretty good about sleeping through the night since you were about 1 year old, with a few exceptions, and the other night was one. You woke up crying at about 2 in the morning, and I went in to try and calm you a bit. As soon as I picked you up, I knew there was something wrong. You were burning up...seriously, you were hotter than I had ever felt another human get. I called your mom, who came in and we gave you some baby Tylenol, hoping that would help break the fever. We took you in to our bed, and tried to get you to sleep. About an hour later, you woke up again, and the fever hadn't gone down at all. We took your temperature, and depending on which thermometer we used (you've probably guessed that your mother is somewhat of a packrat, so we have like 5 thermometers) you were anywhere between 99.5 and 102 degrees. We checked the package of the baby Tylenol, and found that it was past the expiration date. At this point, I decided to go out to Asda to get something (thank goodness for the 24 hour supermarket). I bought some fever reduction medicine and some cooling pads and came home. We gave you the medicine and put one of the pads on you and you went right back to sleep. When you woke up in the morning, your temperature was gone.

The funniest thing was that you seemed calmer throughout this whole affair than either your mother or I were. You kept playing with your trucks on our bed as if it were the middle of the afternoon as your mom and I ran around getting thermometers and checking medicine. Even after I had left to go to the store, you apparently wanted to go downstairs and watch TV. My trooper...don't ever scare us like that again...

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