Father to Son
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Making Daddy Laugh

Another thing, since I didn't want to only post about the bad today. The other day, we were upstairs (probably watching your garbage truck video - man you love that DVD), and we decided to go downstairs. I was carrying you down the stairs asking you which room you wanted to go into, and you kept pointing towards the living room. Thinking that this wasn't good enough and that you needed to say the words, I kept asking you things like "can you use your words?" and "what room is that?" All the while, you looked at me like I was the dumbest guy you know (of course, realizing that you don't know that many guys, I probably am the dumbest guy you know...but, then again, I'm probably the smartest guy you know as well...so it all evens out in the end). Finally, after standing at the living room door for a few minutes, exasperation took over, and I said "that's the living room." You looked me dead in the eyes and said "ok...go with that!" I couldn't stop laughing at the way you said it so matter of factly.

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